Definition of Pranayama:

The Sanskrit word pranayama (also known as pranayam) is translated as “the science of breath” in some
circles, and in others it has a broader meaning, “expansion, manifestation of energy.” Pra (first unit) na (energy)
is the vital and primal energy of the universe. According to some Eastern Indian writings, the universe comes
from akasha (ether, space) through the energy of prana. Akasha is the infinite, raw material of the universe.
Prana is the infinite, raw energy of the universe. One who has learned how to control prana controls all the
energies of the universe, thus controlling his or her body, emotions and mind.
Three Types Of Pranayama:
There are three types of breathing, which will be expounded upon more as we move further into this material:
thoracic breathing (mid‐chest), clavicular breathing (upper chest), and diaphragmatic breathing (belly, abdomen).
The diaphragmatic breathing pulls
the oxygen lower into the lungs, thus increasing the efficiency of oxygen infusion into the blood stream because
the oxygen is exposed to more of the blood. Interestingly, children and infants do this naturally. It is only later
that adult humans stop using this most efficient way of breathing.
Thoracic Breathing, chest breathing, fills only the middle and upper portion of the lungs, not the lower
portions where most of the blood is. Clavicular Breathing is centered around the collarbones and only comes into
play when the body needs great amounts of oxygen, for instance, while exercising.

Left/Right Nostril Exercises:
Moon breath: left nostril; activates the sympathetic nervous system, nourishes and regulates body
functions, increases intuition and creativity.
Sun breath: right nostril; activates vasomotor system, releases intense physical energy when it is needed
Both nostrils simultaneously; controls destiny, death, time and greatly expands longevity.
Several Pranayamas:

Bhastrika pranayama
Kapalabhati Pranayama
sukha purvaka pranayama
Ujjayi Pranayama
Sitali Pranayama
Sitkari Pranayama
Suryabhedana Pranayama
Murccha Pranayama
Plavini Pranayama
Bhramari pranayama
kevali pranayama
Pranayama can be done by anybody it has no age bar, even a pregnant women also can do it.
but everybody should do it with directions of his guru(teacher). it can be done at anywhere like your home, terace, garden etc. best place to do this is near river, open greenery, the place must have fulfilled with pure oxygen & ventilation.
it can be done at morning time. when you wake up you can do it after taking bath. morning
5 o'clock to 7 o'clock is the best time to do it. advanced students can do it two times a day also.
at evening you can do it anytime, but remember at least 3- 4 hours after meal.
Pranayama at staring you can do this only for 10-15 minutes daily, keep increasing you time period as you go further.
do pranayama always on a mat which is non-conductor of electricity or magnetic field. try to do pranayama without making noise. always keep your mouth shut. always inhale with your nose only.
all your breathing practices should be gradual & steady(as told by teacher), dont try to do it fast.
it can harm your nostrils or other part of body.
do it always with all your spirit, make your mind 100% fresh before starting it dont be lazy, because mind plays vital roll in this yogic kriya.
so all the best for you to start pranayama & live disease free healthy life !

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