Exhale until pressure is felt on the heart, throat, head. Slowly draw in air through both nostrils with a hissing sound and expand abdomen, then “throw it out quickly”. Three cycles of 10-20 times each (in the morning and evening). Each cycle concludes with a deep inhale, long retention, and deep exhale Then take a few normal breaths.
BENEFITS: purifies energy channels (nadis); never suffer from any disease; stimulates
gastric fire; kundalini rises quickly, pierces the three “knots” (granthi) in sushumna (i.e.Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra), which allows the prana to ascend sushumna (Svatmarama).
also it is very useful for the people who have the problem of constipation or indigestion. Thyroid, tonsils and all throat problems are completely cured. Highly recommended for Brain diseases like Depression, Migraine, Parkinson’s Disease, Paralysis, etc. This is the best breathing exercise for lungs. It makes the lungs healthy and improves strength. It directly affects all respiratory system of body and cures all lungs related problems.
It consists of forceful exhalation of breath, using the diaphragm and abdominal
muscles, and then a slow, passive inhalation. This cycle of vigorous exhalation followed by a passive inhalation is
repeated seven to twenty one times, depending on one’s abilities with the breath.

Disorder of these three is the root cause for unhealthy body. It is excellent not only for physical body but for sub-conscious mind as well. Kapalbhati improves concentration power in children and adults simultaneously. It makes the face Lustrous and attractive. Kapalbhati completely removes blockages in arteries and controls cholesterol. Obesity, diabetes, flatulence, constipation, acidity and diseases pertaining to kidneys and prostate glands etc. are completely cured.
Parkinson’s Disease, Liver Cirrhosis and Hepatitis-B is permanently cured with devoted practice. Depression is cured, as mind becomes stable, happy and peaceful which removes negative thoughts automatically.
Sukha Purvaka:
Sit in Padmasana or Siddhasana. Close the right nostril with your right thumb. Inhale through the left nostril. Imagine that you are drawing the Prana along with the atmospheric air. In course of practice, you will actually feel that you are drawing Prana. Then close the left nostril also with the little and ring fingers of your right hand. Retain the breath as more as you can comfortably. Remove the right thumb and exhale through the right nostril. Again inhale through the right nostril, retain and exhale through the left nostril as stated above. All the above six processes constitute one Pranayama. To start with do 6 Pranayamas in the morning and 6 in the evening. Gradually increase the sets. The ratio of inhalation, retention and exhalation is 1:4:2.
BENEFITS: This exercise removes all diseases, purifies the Nadis, steadies the wandering mind, improves digestion and circulation, helps Brahmacharya, and awakens Kundalini. All the impurities of the body are thrown out. it clears nostrils also.
Sit in your usual Asana. Close the mouth. Inhale slowly through both the nostrils in a smooth manner.
Retain the breath as long as you can do it comfortably and then exhale slowly through the left nostril by closing the right nostril with your right thumb. Expand the chest when you inhale. During inhalation a peculiar sound is produced owing to the partial closing of glottis. The sound produced during inhalation should be of a mild and uniform pitch. It should be continuous also. This pranayama may be practiced even when walking or standing. Instead of exhaling through the left nostril, you can exhale slowly through both nostrils.

BENEFITS: This exercise enhances the ventilation of the lungs, removes phlegm, calms the nerves and fills the body
with vitality. Inhalation and exhalation are slow and deep, with partial closure of the glottis. This removes the heat in the head. The practitioner becomes very beautiful. The gastric fire is increased. All diseases that arise from deficient inhalation of oxygen and diseases of the heart are cured. All works are accomplished by Ujjayi Pranayama.
Curl the tongue and protude it through pursed lips. inhale through mouth with a hissing sound "sa".
fill the abdomen slowly and retain a short time; then exhale through both nostrils. Repeat 15-20 times.

purifies blood; cools system; quenches thirst, appeases hunger. it rejuvenates the body with freshness.
Roll the tongue back as far as possible toward the back of the mouth with lips
parted and teeth clenched. Inhale making a hissing sound. Exhale through both nostrils. Repeat three times. You can keep the two rows of teeth in contact and then inhale the air through the mouth as before.
BENEFITS: The practice enhances the beauty of the practitioner and vigour of his body. It removes hunger, thirst, indolence and sleep. the practitioner becomes independent monarch. No injury will affect him. When you are thirsty, practice this. You will be relieved of thirst immediately.
Sit on your favourite asana, inhale through right nostril closing your left nostril with ring & little finger of your right hand then close your right nose also with the thumb of your right hand. touch your chin to your chest(jalandhara bandha), retain the breath hold so long as “the perspiration does not burst out from the tip of the nails and the roots of the hair” then take your head to normal position & exhale through the left nostril closing right nostril with the thumb of your right hand.
BENEFITS: Suryabhedana destroys decay and death; awakens Kundalini shakti; increases body fire, cleanses the brain, this pranayama is very useful to the patients of sinuses because The worms that are found in the frontal sinuses are removed by suryabhedana. it destroys the intestinal worms and diseases arising from excess of wind. It cures rhinitis, cephalalgia and various sorts of neuralgia.
this pranayama is very useful for curing many diseases so it should be practiced regularly & maximum times of your capacity.

Bhramari means the "bee". bhramari pranayama's aim is to create a sound like bee.
inhale through both nostrils with the sound of a male bee; retain the breath as long as you can; exhale with the sound of a female bee.
BENEFITS: This exercise soothes the nerves, relaxes the skull cavity, and calms the mind. Using one of the three basic exercises, make the sound of a bee on the exhale. The vibration in the head, chest and throat clear blockages and opens up energy. This exercise is great for healing sinus problems. Repeat for two or three minutes. Another variation is to inhale through both nostrils and exhale making the sound of a bee.
This is one of the most advanced pranayama exercises. but it is not useful for the consciousness like other pranayamas. Practice of this Pranayama demands skill on the part of the students. drink air slowly like water and send it to the stomach. The stomach gets bloated a bit. If you tap the stomach when it is filled with air, you will get a peculiar tympanic (air) sound. Gradual practice is necessary. After the practice, the air should be completely taken out. It is done by Uddiyana Bandha and hiccough.

BENEFITS: It is said that he who practises this Plavini pranayama, can float on water for any length of time, the practitioner of Plavini can live on air and dispense with food for some days.
Inhale through both nostrils; at the end
of inhale, do Jalandhara bandha(chin lock), Retain the breath for as long as possible (until you feel like
fainting); exhale slowly through both nostrils.

BENEFITS: It acquires the bliss of yoga. Murchha makes the mind senseless and gives happiness. But this is not suitable for many. this should be done with the guidance of teacher.
When you get mastery in other pranayamas, then only you can attempt this Kevali.
all above pranayamas are from the samhita kumbhaka, but this one is a different part called "kevali kumbhaka".
When the full length of the wind is all confined in the body, nothing being allowed to go out, it is Kevali Kumbhaka. There are no regular inhalation and exhalation in this process. It is only (Kevali) Kumbhaka. By inspiring air by both nostrils, one can perform Kevali Kumbhaka.
BENEFITS: “He who knows Pranayama and Kevali is the real Yogi”. “There is nothing in the three worlds which may be difficult to obtain for him who is able to keep air confined according to pleasure, by means of Kevala Kumbhaka.”
Through Kevala Kumbhaka, the knowledge of Kundalini arises. Kundalini is aroused and the Sushumna nadi is free from all sorts of obstacles. He attains perfection in Hatha Yoga. This Kumbhaka cures all diseases and promotes longevity.

Pranayama is the best technique in Yoga and has been known to cure a lot of diseases and disorders but this has to be practiced empty stomach and preferably in the mornings.
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